Himesh Reshammiya’s third film as an actor Kajraare, a T-Series’ production is all set to be a Diwali release. Directed by actress Pooja Bhatt the film stars opposite Himesh, Pakistani actress Mona Laizza apart from Amrita Singh and Gulshan Grover. The release date for the film is scheduled as October 16th. But on the same day two more biggies are slated for release, thats Hrithik Roshan - Barbara Mori - Kangana Ranaut starrer Kites and Ajay Devgan’s home production All The Best staring Sanjay Dutt, Fardeen Khan, Bipasha Basu, Mugdha Godse along with Ajay himself.
Kajraare is supposedly, a modernised remake of Mahesh Bhatt’s Pooja Bhatt-Sanjay Dutt starrer Sadak. But this move to release it on Diwali day seems no less than a hara-kiri claims trade pundits. Himesh began his acting career with a bang with a musical hit like Aap Ka Surroor but his next release, the Karz remake titled Karzzzz was a big turkey at the ticket window. His Kajraare was to release much earlier but reportedly, the on going recession took toll on it and the schedules kept getting pushed ahead. Now as its nearing completion, the makers are planning for a Diwali release. But with big mega budget oppositions like Kites and All The Best, we just hope the makers give the release date a rethink or else Himesh might have to work harder to prove himself yet again as an actor.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Himesh Reshammiya’s Kajraare to be a Diwali release
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