Big B’s concern for women in sports

Amitabh Bachchan is presently in London shooting for Paa. In his free time he has been exploring London and also managed to experience a few matches of the ongoing Wimbeldon. But then post his viewing experience he has expressed his concern about the disparity between men and women in sports.

”The large silver golden cup for the men… the semi gold silver tray for the ladies. A disparity here as well, apart from the difference that their prize money entails. I believe a women group is working on the equal distribution of the prize money at tournaments. But for those that continuously make themselves vocal on the disparity and make politically correct noises, let them know that this a manifestation of our age old history and tradition. It may not be feasible to adhere to the sentiment that I have expressed. But for those that scream and shout on the imbalance, that propagate equality for political gain, would they ever wish to take up this issue at all.. I would imagine not. Because… politically it may not suit them.” he writes updating his blog.

He further adds, “The charge would be that sport is an elitist occupation, certainly as far as its commercialism is concerned and there really is no space for the genuine deserving potentials.”

Bachchan feels, “Today the Indian Cricket team boasts of several members that have come up from meagre means and from areas in the country that could be specified as small town. Not too many years ago, 90% of the team would be from Bombay now Mumbai. There were facilities and schools for upcoming players. But all that has undergone a sea change. Today 90% of the team is made up of those that belong to small town India. Poor but traditional and a bit conservative. The lure of big money as the IPL’s of the world take shape, is a huge incentive for upcoming stars.”

“One has to wonder then, whether it is the love of the game, or the love of the money behind the love of the game, that attracts. Not an unreasonable argument. So if the money is an attraction for the budding talent, what is wrong in giving equal opportunity to the women of the game and procure incentive for them as well.. And while we are talking equal and incentive, it may be wise to consider at this moment why there is disparity in the reward for their game.” Big B concludes.

Bachchan Sr. has also hinted at taking a poll on this topic.


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